Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Before I’m off to relax and enjoy the evening away from my computer, I want to make a comment about our speaker last night. We had Scott Kuehl from BrandResolve for those of you who weren’t able to make it. Scott came and gave an AMAZING presentation to our club. I want to say he was our best speaker we’ve ever had because he had such a strong topic that truly applied to us, personal branding. His whole presentation was about “positioning ourselves” to the right jobs, the right employers, the right people. He talked about the personal branding process and some steps to figure out how to bring value into our environment, whether; it’s in our peers, family, work or school. Our purpose in life! We have to somehow figure out our passion! Scott talked about branding ourselves for our future careers…we have to determine how others perceive us…we have to develop a unique value proposition…and we have to define our target audience…

He recommended a book called, Career Distinction in which I've already read. I strongly recommend this book because it made me realize that I personally have to step it up a notch to stand out from my fellow classmates when in the market for jobs and figuring out how I can bring value into an organization. It also taught me some general lessons in life and made me realize how fortunate I am to be an enterprising American!

A quote that stuck with me during Scott’s presentation was:

I like thinking big. If you're going to be thinking anything, you might as well think big.

--Donald Trump--

Be Bold!

Thank you so much Scott for your time and dedication!

1 comment:

BrandChamp said...

My pleasure, Danielle. You had a great group. And MSU is a great university. Think big. Be bold. and GO MAVS!

Scott Kuehl

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